Saturday 3 March 2012

Evaluating Intercultural Behaviour

This was one of the interesting scenarios that I observed on my trip in London. For the background, I had a sister who has been working in London for couple of years. Our family then decided to go over to visit her and also have a tour around London to have a taste of the western culture first hand.

On one the afternoons, we took the public bus from a shopping mall in order to get to my sister’s apartment. The London’s bus transport system is similar to the Ez-link card system in Singapore. The bus was travelling and subsequently pulled over at a bus stop for passengers to board and alight. People were tapping their cards while they were boarding and disembarking. Suddenly, something out of the ordinary caught my attention. A grown man had just boarded the bus via the rear door without tapping his card! It was as though he was an NUS student taking the school’s internal shuttle bus! I was expecting a response from either the bus captain or the passengers, but surprisingly, all of them had no reaction. It was as if his actions were normal! If he were to do that in Singapore, he would definitely be stopped by the bus captain or receive alarmed expressions from the passengers!
Being puzzled by his actions, I asked my sister who has been working in London regarding this bizarre scenario.  She explained that such cases were a common sight and has already become a social norm.
Actually, even till now I am still not very sure why such an act is acceptable in a developed nation like London. So guys, it would be great if any of you know why and feel free to give me your opinions on this!